
A reader allows you to “manually position” the offset within a topic and reading all messages from a specified message onward. For instance, you can start from a specific MessageId.

Neutron models it via a tagless algebra, as usual.

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import fs2.Stream

object Reader {
  sealed trait MessageAvailable
  object MessageAvailable {
    case object Yes extends MessageAvailable
    case object No extends MessageAvailable

trait Reader[F[_], E] {
  def read: Stream[F, E]
  def read1: F[Option[E]]
  def readUntil(timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Option[E]]
  def messageAvailable: F[Reader.MessageAvailable]

There’s also a MessageReader algebra, useful whenever you need more than the payload of the message, such as the MessageId and MessageKey.

Creating a Reader

It provides a few constructors as both Consumer and Producer do for schema and message decoders. E.g.

import dev.profunktor.pulsar._
import dev.profunktor.pulsar.Reader.Settings
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema

import cats.effect._

def make[F[_]: Sync, E](
    client: Pulsar.T,
    topic: Topic.Single,
    schema: Schema[E],
    settings: Settings[F, E]
): Resource[F, Reader[F, E]] = ???

If you’re interested in a MessageReader instead, you can use messageReader instead of make. Check out all the available smart constructors either in the API or source code.

Once we have a Pulsar client and a topic, we can proceed with the creation of a reader. If you missed that part, check out the connection and topic docs.

import dev.profunktor.pulsar._
import dev.profunktor.pulsar.schema.PulsarSchema

import cats.effect._

val schema = PulsarSchema.utf8

def creation(
    pulsar: Pulsar.T,
    topic: Topic.Single
): Resource[IO, Reader[IO, String]] =
  Reader.make[IO, String](pulsar, topic, schema)

Reading messages

We can use any of the available read methods. E.g.

def simple(
    reader: Reader[IO, String]
): IO[Unit] =

Or we can first ask whether there are available messages or not via messageAvailable.

Reader settings

The reader constructor can also be customized with a few extra options. E.g.

import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageId

val msgId: MessageId = null

val settings =
  Reader.Settings[IO, String]()

def custom(
    pulsar: Pulsar.T,
    topic: Topic.Single
): Resource[IO, Reader[IO, String]] =
  Reader.make(pulsar, topic, schema, settings)

It is the responsibility of the application to know the specific MessageId, which internally represents a Ledger ID, Entry ID, and Partition ID.