
Pulsar supports transactions to further enable event streaming applications to consume, process, and produce messages in one atomic operation.

Notice that the broker needs to be configured to support transactions (disabled by default).


Naturally, Neutron models a transaction as Resource[F, Tx], where Tx is a custom interface that hides the underlying Java Transaction instance to avoid user mistakes.

sealed trait Tx {
  def getId: TxnID

Working with transactions

The first step is to enable transactions on the Pulsar client.

import cats.effect._
import dev.profunktor.pulsar._

val cfg = Config.Builder.default

val mkClient =
  Pulsar.make[IO](cfg.url, Pulsar.Settings().withTransactions)

Next, we can create a transactional resource.

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import dev.profunktor.pulsar.transactions.PulsarTx

mkClient.use { cli =>
  val mkTx = PulsarTx.make[IO](
    client = cli,
    timeout = 30.seconds,
    logger = str => IO.println(str)

  mkTx.use { tx =>
    // atomic transactions here
    IO.println(s"tx-id: ${tx.getId}")

Now we are ready to use the transaction for some atomic operations. Once we use the resource, the transaction will begin. From this point, we can consume, process, and produce messages in a transactional fashion.

The TransactionSuite showcases this feature in detail.

In a nutshell, we have two producers and two consumers in total, for inputs and outputs, respectively.

The first producer pi produces inputs that the ci consumer reads. These inputs are processed and the results are published as outputs by the po producer. Lastly, the co consumer would read these outputs.

The atomic operations happen between reading inputs and publishing outputs. To do so, the ci consumer keeps track of the MessageIds in memory, to then acknowledge them once we are done with the transaction.

val consumeInputs =
  ci.subscribe.evalMap {
    case Consumer.Message(id, _, _, payload) =>
      for {
        _ <- ref.update(_ :+ payload)
        _ <- ids.update(_ + id)
        _ <- po.send_(s"$payload-out")
      } yield ()

We accumulate MessageIds in a local ids ref. Here’s the inputs producer:

val produceInputs =
  Stream.emits(events).evalMap(pi.send_) ++ Stream.eval {
    latch.get *> ids.get.flatMap(_.toList.traverse_(ci.ack(_, tx)))

Once the producer finishes, it proceeds to atomically acknowledge the MessageIds we have in memory. To do so, we use the special ack method that also takes a Tx as argument.

That latch.get is only there to synchronize the order in which things terminate in the test suite. Your use case may be handled differently.

When the resource scope ends, the transaction will be committed. If we wanted to abort the transaction instead, all we need is to raise an error. E.g.

latch.get *> IO.raiseError(new Exception("Abort tx"))

This error should be handled outside the resource scope to avoid crashing the entire program.


In short, it all boils down to the following operations.

  • Enable transactions support on the broker (via broker.conf or standalone.conf).
  • Enable transactions support on the client (via withTransactions on settings).
  • Acknowledge messages via ack(id, tx) after the processing and publishing of messages is done, to guarantee one atomic operation.
  • Raise an error within the use block of the transaction to abort. Exit the use block to commit the transaction (done automatically).